How do I make the background color of my theme a solid color?

The website builder by default generates gradients from the color codes you pick. There may be times where you want to bypass this and use your own color codes, or just want to use a flat color instead of a gradient. This guide will show you how to accomplish this.

  1. From the Dashboard click on Settings and then Website Template
  2. Click on Lauch Theme Maker
  3. Click on the section that you want to change the gradient for and then click on the link below the Background field

  4. Once you do this, you will see 2 new fields show up under the Background field. This is where you can either provide your custom gradient blend codes, or choose the same color code for both to make it a flat color

    Once you have set up your Gradient Start and Gradient End be sure not to change the Background field. Changing this field will reset your gradient blend.